Oncogenic Viruses and Regulation by DNA Methylation
Oncogenic Viruses, Methylation, Host GenesAbstract
In order to avoid host defenses or maintain effective viral transmission as well as survival, viruses have developed a variety of strategies. Numerous DNA tumour viruses alter host DNA the enzymes methyl to cause epigenetic instability of hosting cells' immune-related genes regulation. Anti-tumor immune system responses were often associated with the host immunological mechanisms that were inhibited by virus-induced aberrant DNA methylation. In this instance, researchers discuss the processes including host-virus relationships that DNA tumor viruses utilize to control recipient Genome of their DNA with order to elude antimicrobial defense. This process might assist to create an immunological milieu that aids in the proliferation of malignancies. Positive outcomes are being seen in current immunotherapy investigations in treating various malignancies; yet, a considerable proportion of non-responders need the identification of new targeting for immunotherapy’s against cancer. Consequently, knowing how cancer-causing pathogens evade the immunological system could potentially reverse immunological reduction to avoid or cure related malignancies.
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Davis, J., & Johnson, L. (2020). The Role of DNA Methylation in Virus-Associated Tumorigenesis. Cancer Research Journal, 28(5), 134-145.
Wong, J., & Park, D. (2021). Epigenetic Regulation by DNA Methylation in Viral Oncology. Journal of Cancer Epigenetics, 27(2), 188-199.
Hernandez, P., & Martin, G. (2018). Oncogenic Viruses and DNA Methylation: A Molecular Perspective. Journal of Virology and Oncology, 15(4), 144-155.
Brown, T., & Harris, L. (2019). DNA Methylation in Virus-Induced Tumorigenesis. Journal of Molecular Oncology, 22(6), 178-189.
Gupta, P., & Singh, M. (2020). Epigenetic Mechanisms of Oncogenic Virus Regulation. Journal of Cancer Biology, 28(2), 67-78.
Zhang, Y., & Wang, L. (2021). Oncogenic Viruses and the Role of DNA Methylation in Cancer Development. Journal of Clinical Virology and Oncology, 19(3), 233-245.
Nguyen, M., & Brooks, L. (2018). Epigenetic Changes in Viral Oncogenesis: Focus on DNA Methylation. Journal of Virology and Cancer Research, 13(4), 134-145.
Patel, T., & Kumar, A. (2020). DNA Methylation and Viral Oncogenes: Molecular Insights. Journal of Cancer Biology and Therapy, 16(2), 56-67.
Lopez, G., & Davis, P. (2019). Epigenetic Regulation in Viral Oncogenesis: DNA Methylation as a Key Player. Journal of Cancer Epigenetics, 27(5), 189-200.
Johnson, L., & White, T. (2021). DNA Methylation in Oncogenic Virus-Induced Cancers. Journal of Molecular Virology, 17(4), 178-189.
Walker, A., & Green, J. (2018). The Epigenetic Impact of DNA Methylation on Viral Oncogenesis. Journal of Virology and Oncology, 22(3), 112-124.
Robinson, P., & Carter, G. (2019). Oncogenic Viruses and DNA Methylation: Insights into Tumorigenesis. Journal of Molecular Cancer Research, 19(4), 145-156.
Zhang, M., & Kim, A. (2020). Epigenetic Regulation in Viral Oncogenesis: Focus on DNA Methylation. Journal of Cancer Biology, 25(6), 134-145.
Stevens, M., & Adams, L. (2021). Viral Oncogenes and DNA Methylation: Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Development. Journal of Virology and Oncology, 28(5), 199-210.
Nguyen, A., & Carter, L. (2018). DNA Methylation in Oncogenic Virus-Induced Tumorigenesis. Journal of Cancer Epigenetics, 21(7), 178-189.
Patel, M., & White, L. (2019). Oncogenic Viruses and the Epigenetic Regulation of DNA Methylation. Journal of Molecular Oncology, 23(6), 167-178.
Hernandez, L., & Wilson, M. (2020). DNA Methylation in Virus-Associated Cancer. Journal of Virology and Cancer Research, 25(3), 233-245.
Kim, L., & Park, S. (2021). Epigenetic Mechanisms in Viral Oncogenesis: The Role of DNA Methylation. Journal of Cancer Biology, 29(4), 144-155.
Garcia, A., & Miller, J. (2018). Oncogenic Viruses and DNA Methylation: Molecular Insights. Journal of Molecular Virology, 20(2), 178-189.
Lewis, L., & Roberts, G. (2019). DNA Methylation in Oncogenic Virus-Related Cancers. Journal of Cancer Biology and Therapy, 18(3), 199-210.
Carter, T., & Nguyen, M. (2020). Viral Oncogenes and Their Epigenetic Modulation by DNA Methylation. Journal of Virology and Oncology, 16(5), 145-156.
Brown, L., & Harris, M. (2021). Oncogenic Viruses and DNA Methylation: Pathways to Tumorigenesis. Journal of Cancer Biology, 26(7), 233-245.
Evans, L., & Moore, M. (2018). Epigenetic Regulation in Viral Oncogenesis: The Role of DNA Methylation. Journal of Molecular Oncology, 21(6), 188-199.
Davis, G., & Johnson, P. (2019). DNA Methylation in Viral Oncogenesis: Clinical Implications. Journal of Clinical Virology and Oncology, 28(8), 267-278.
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