Enhancing SAP System Performance on AWS with Advanced HADR Techniques


  • Sachin Bhatt Independent Researcher, USA.




SAP, HADR, AWS, system performance, data protection, scalability, business continuity


This paper investigates on the effectiveness of modern High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) methods on the SAP system in an AWS environment. It measures changes in effectiveness of response time, throughput, and system availability among others. Based on the real-life experience provided by AWS, the research reveals improvements in terms of performance, availability, and safety made possible by more sophisticated HADR solutions created on AWS’s elastic infrastructure. The paper also covers issues like cost and difficulty of performing these techniques among other issues. This paper establishes that incorporating elevated HADR approaches in AWS significantly boosts SAP agility and afford vital, sound solutions enabling business sustainability and performance.


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How to Cite

Bhatt, S. (2022). Enhancing SAP System Performance on AWS with Advanced HADR Techniques. Stallion Journal for Multidisciplinary Associated Research Studies, 1(4), 24–35. https://doi.org/10.55544/sjmars.1.4.6

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